Saturday 14 April 2012

Intoduction- If not a bit late

\Ok, I've done this the wrong way round. Started posting before I even tell you who I am. Just an ordinary (well... maybe not that ordinary) girl, with a kinda crazy family, a whole load of dreams and ideas (that don't always work out) and a mostly sunny attitude to life. So... this is me. 

I have a pet rabbit called JimJim, who is a house rabbit and lives in the sitting room, in a mahooosive cage.  He's very fluffy, black with dark brown tints, and a little bit fat- ok lets just call him chubby. He's basically adorable. Every day we take him for walks (yes, on a lead) with my dog. 

Arthur, (or King Arthur, as I sometimes jokingly call him) is only a few months younger than me, so we basically grew up together. Arthur is now a very, very old dog. He is a black and white Cocker Spaniel, and a very greedy, disobedient dog. We love him all the same, and I can't remember love without him. In fact, "Arthur" was my first word. 

Ok, pretty wacky Mum, in fact, she can be more of a best mate than a mum most of the time. She's not very strange, but she cooks things like pasta for breakfast, bunjee jumps, and suddenly picked up sticks and moved us all to the canary islands. Maybe she is quite strange....

That's our little family. Nearly last year ago, the 3 of us (we didn't have Jim Jim at the time) moved from busy London (we where back from the Canaries) to a quiet village in Sussex. Life has changed quite a lot since then.

I hope you enjoy my blog on life, fashion, animals, and art. 

Dxxx :)

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